Image bank
By using our images, you agree to the following terms and conditions
• Images are for non-commercial marketing and the press in the Keuruu region.
• Images should be used in good faith and should not be used in context; detached or for political / non-profit purposes.
• When using images, the name of the photographer must be mentioned.
• Refer to Visit Keuruu or the Visit Keuruu Image Archive as the source of the image.
• If you share an image on social media, it must use a graph name and a hashtag #VisitKeuruu @VisitKeuruu
• Images may not be used commercially (for example, for sale)
- To agree on the commercial use of the images, please contact VisitKeuruu – Keuruu Tourist Office.
- Unauthorized use of the images for commercial purposes may result in legal action.