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VisitKeuruu is part of the Keuruu City Organization.

We provide tourist information, tips, and more. We serve year-round by phone, email and on our social media channels. Our office is located in Keuruu City Hall, Multiantie 5, Keuruu.

We implement Keurusselän Seutu brochure, which is an annual publication in Finnish. The brochure includes the municipalities of the region Keuruu, Mänttä-Vilppula and Multia, as well as entrepreneurs in the area in the field of tourism and services. In addition, Petäjävesi, Ruovesi and Virrat will be introduced. The brochure is in Finnish.

We implement smaller publications, such as the Keuruu brochure in language versions (eng, sa, Estonian, Ven, Chinese).

You can order brochures for free HERE

We do active SoMe marketing and & nbsp; information.

You can meet us at trade shows, sales days or events.

Keuruu Info Point at Keuruu Library
Addr.: Pitäjäntuvantie 5, Keuruu.

The staff will assist you with questions about Keuruu, and in addition to Keuruu brochures, the area will also include material from the region.

Tel. 040 572 5640 / Keuruu tourist office, Keuruu Library


Tourism coordinator
Leena Jaatinen

Phone. +358 40 510 6699